Ikhaya Likamoya - Sethembiso Zulu - Curated by Senzeni Marasela
14 February - 28 March 2021
Documentary photographer, artist and healer Sethembiso Zulu takes us on a voyage of his autobiographical spiritual journey.
Curated by renowned artist, academic and curator Senzeni Marasela, the exhibition Ikhaya Lika Moya hosted by the North West University Gallery between 14 February 2021 – 21 March 2021 is an exhibition that speaks to the nature of spirituality, healing and transcendence.
The extensive body of work presented in this exhibition has been developed over ten years and is cumulative of Zulu’s personal experiences and interactions within the Zionist Christian Church.
The work is collective of Zulu’s journey, experiences and months of research conducted with abafundisi (pastors) from various Zionist churches.
Exhibition link: https://ikhayalikamoya.pb.online/gallery